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Ohio IRS Audit Defense

Whether you are a business owner or an individual taxpayer, you may end up being selected for a tax audit by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). When this happens to you, don’t panic. This is very normal, and the IRS is only doing these audits to make sure you are filing your taxes properly and paying the right amount.

audit defense and tax fraud attorney

There are many reasons why you may be selected to undergo a tax audit. It may be because you have a large income, or there are some questionable entries on your tax returns. It is crucial that you seek legal assistance immediately to help you prepare for your audit.

Defense Tax Partners is a top Ohio tax law firm that can help you prepare for your IRS audit defense. We have a dedicated and brilliant team of lawyers who can guide you through the audit and help you prepare for the questioning the IRS will do to see if you are truthful in your tax records. We will reduce the stress these audits can cause you and ensure that you won’t get confused as the audit is happening.

Call Defense Tax Partners at (216) 799-0452 for your Free Consultation with an Ohio IRS Audit Defense attorney!

What is an IRS Tax Audit?

The IRS does tax audits regularly to assess a taxpayer’s tax returns and make sure the process is done correctly. They use a variety of ways to check your tax payments’ accuracy, from using computer analysis to look for certain errors or doing a thorough review of the taxpayer’s documents in person.

tax settlement and tax levy

If you find yourself facing an IRS audit, our Ohio IRS audit defense team can help you prepare and guide you through the audit procedure.

Correspondence audits are done by sending request letters to taxpayers to verify their tax returns. The IRS uses this audit to collect the information they need to double-check the taxpayer’s returns without spending a lot of money in the process. Taxpayers simply have to send the IRS the documents requested, and the IRS will review them. Some of the things that will be checked include medical expenses, charity contributions, and certain miscellaneous deductions.

Office audits are done in any of the offices of the IRS across the state. The taxpayer will be notified about the audit, and they must come to the office at the time and date specified. The notice will also include the list of documents they must bring during the audit. If you aren’t able to attend the audit date specified, a reschedule can be requested.

During the office audit, an IRS representative will check the documents you brought and evaluate them. Some of the things that will be checked include your interest expenses, medical expenses, rental income and expenses, and other business expenses.

Field examinations deal with revenue agents who will go to your office to review your taxes closely. It is usually done if the returns have several errors that require closer investigation. The process starts with the call from the IRS or a letter, and then the revenue agency will visit the business to review the case. You may be able to request a transfer of where the examination can be done and have it done in our offices.

Tax Audit Defense

If you do get an IRS audit notice, don’t immediately panic. It is actually good to receive one because it notifies you that you have time to prepare your documents and protect yourself from possible penalties and additional taxes that might be charged to you.

florida tax attorney

At Defense Tax Partners, we make sure that you know your rights, represent you before the IRS, and help make the whole auditing process stress-free for both you and the IRS. You can rest assured that you will be able to make the right decisions with our assistance and get the best result once the IRS finishes its audit. Our legal services will also help you sort out your finances and put them in good shape to avoid future tax issues.

Should the audit turn unfavorable to you, our tax audit defense team can appeal on your behalf. We will review your case and prepare the appropriate strategy to get the best resolution for the case.

Tax Audit Legal Support

Once you receive a tax audit notice, immediately contact our Ohio IRS audit defense team to help you prepare for it.

Tax Attorneys

Defense Tax Partners can give you the right legal support you need to prepare you for the IRS audit, reducing the risk of getting pressured into answering incorrectly once the IRS asks questions.

Here are some of the services we also offer at Defense Tax Partners:

1. Passport Reinstatement
2. Tax Lien Removal
3. Innocent Spouse
4. Audit Representation
5. Tax Preparation
6. Penalty Abatement
7. Tax Resolution
8. Offer in Compromise
9. Wage Garnishment Removal
10. Bank Levy Removal

Our lawyers are trained in Ohio tax law and federal tax law and have a very extensive track record under their belts. Whatever tax situation you are in, our team will assist you through it and help you regain control of your finances as quickly as possible.

Let’s Talk Now – Free Consultation

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If you find yourself receiving a tax audit notice from the IRS, don’t wait. Call Defense Tax Partners today.

Our expert Ohio tax audit defense lawyers will immediately get into the case and help you achieve the best resolution possible. We will also represent you in the best way we can and answer any tax concerns you may have in the process.

Call Defense Tax Partners at (216) 799-0452 for your Free Consultation with an Ohio IRS Audit Defense attorney!