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IRS Tax Attorneys
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Scio Tax Levy Attorney

When you get an IRS Final Notice of Intent to Levy letter, you definitely would want to get a legal expert to help you understand what it means.

tax settlement and tax levy

Usually, receiving this letter means that you’ll be facing a legal battle that has both financial and legal consequences for you. Fortunately, we can help.

At Defense Tax Partners, we have a great team of Scio tax levy lawyers who can help you sort out your IRS issue and work to save you from a tax levy. You will get all the financial advice and resources you need to understand the issue and find the solution that works for you. We will even guide you through your taxes to prevent more issues from occurring in the future.

Call Defense Tax Partners at (216) 799-0452 for your Free Consultation with an Scio Tax Levy Lawyer!

What Is A Tax Levy?

If you fail to pay your tax debt for a certain amount of time, the IRS is allowed by law to take your property as payment for your taxes. Tax levies are usually applied to cases where taxpayers have mishandled their taxes, which resulted in several complications that left them unable to pay their taxes. In order to get it resolved, they will need an expert to sort it out.

If you are currently having problems with your taxes, Defense Tax Partners has the professionals to help you out. Here are some of the things we can help you avoid and resolve:

Bank Levies

A bank levy means that the IRS will have your bank freeze your bank account for 21 days. This will disable you from using that account until you sort out your debt with the IRS. If no agreement is reached, the IRS will take the money from your account as your tax payment.

Property Seizure

If you have property–like a house, land, or a car–the IRS can take it from you as your tax payment if you fail to pay them. The IRS will sell your property, and accept whatever amount they sell it for as your tax payment.

Reduced Tax Refunds

The IRS can also withhold your tax refunds, even if it is from your municipality or the state, and collect it as your tax payment.

Wage Garnishment

For this tax levy, the IRS will directly contact your employer and ask them to deduct a certain amount from your paycheck and send it to them until your debt is paid.

florida tax attorney

People who don’t get regular pay checks, like owners of businesses and independent contractors, may face a 100% garnishment if you are unable to pay your taxes on time.

Whichever situation you fall into, our tax attorneys at Defense Tax Partners can help you out. We will look into your case and reach out to the IRS to try to get you a better option in sorting your debt without leading to a tax levy.

Preventing a Tax Levy

When tax levies are activated, it means the IRS is now using its last resort to sort out the tax debt case before them. It also means this is the last avenue for the agency to use to get the taxpayer to pay their unpaid taxes. Fortunately, even if tax levies are issued, you can still settle your debt and not incur more penalties in the process.

irs attorney

The best way to get rid of any debt, including IRS debts, is by paying it immediately in full. This will prevent the tax levy from pushing through, and you won’t have to worry about any other complications. But, if you are unable to pay your tax debts in full, there are options you can explore with the help of an Scio tax levy lawyer.

One of the avenues available to getting your tax debt paid is an installment plan, which can be negotiated with the IRS. Your current financial situation will be considered, and your tax levy lawyer can prepare the documents and application, and negotiate on your behalf with the IRS.

You can also settle your tax debt and prevent a levy by negotiating a lesser payment and asking for the rest to be forgiven. We can help you with your documentation and negotiations with the IRS to achieve this resolution.

Professional Legal Representation

If you work with Defense Tax Partners, you are working with one of Scio’s best tax law firms. Our team is composed of some of the most experienced tax experts in the field, and whether you are an individual taxpayer or a business, we can help you out.

Here are some of the legal situations we can help you with:

1. Tax Resolution
2. Offer in Compromise
3. Wage Garnishment Removal
4. Penalty Abatement
5. Bank Levy Removal
6. Innocent Spouse
7. Audit Representation
8. Passport Reinstatement
9. Tax Preparation
10. Tax Lien Removal

When you contact us, our Scio tax law firm will personalize our service to match what you need and persevere to getting your tax issue resolved without too much stress on your end.

Let’s Talk Now – Free Consultation

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Understanding all these tax terms can be very confusing. Fortunately, with the help of your assigned Scio tax levy lawyer from Defense Tax Partners, you will be able to understand them and see how it applies to your situation.

You can trust us to use every resource and experience we have to sort out your tax debt and help you prevent such debt from happening in the future. Call us today to find out more; we are ready to get things started.

Call Defense Tax Partners at (216) 799-0452 for your Free Consultation with an Scio Tax Levy Lawyer!